No, I do not hate my animations out a lack of my abilities. I know I'm not a great animator or musician, but I'm a work in progress. I accept my inabilities knowing I will progress in time as I create more. But here are some deeper reasons why I hate my animations (not punitively):
1 - O High and mighty (pride)
When I make something about a issue I can think, I have grasped that issue and am above it. But pride comes before a fall. Really I'm just a messenger, still subject to the message.
2 - Passivity (a mix of 1 & 3)
Just as I can create something with a message and disregard the message, I fear people can see my stuff and while agreeing with it, not apply it to their life. Like the people who own "I love Jesus" T-shirts but live in such a way that says I hate Jesus. Please take the messages to heart if you like them, otherwise don't favour my films & music if your lifestyle proves you to be hypocritical (saying one thing but living another).
Don't fool yourself!
3 - Fantasy of reality
Anything that is a representation of reality, is not real, only a representation. When I make things that represent reality I fear I am doing it a dis-service. People can get so wrapped up in the fantasy world's created by mankind that we can disregard things in the real world. i.e. "Why have friends when you can watch friends". I do not want to add to the obsession of amusement.
4 - False God's or partial representation of God
While most (if not all) of my creations represent God in some aspect I fear I am not representing Him fully and in doing so breaking the first commandment. "You shall have no other Gods". God is so much more than what I can put into a film. Even people are more that what is shown in films. How much more is the view of God diminished through 2D images on a flat screen.
5 - Illusion of great accomplishment (pride)
I do feel good when I complete anything and it is easy to rest upon that accomplishment and build myself up in such things. But at the end of the day such things will fade in the passing of time. Just because I spend heaps of time on something does not make me more important than you.
6 - Deceptions of popularity
I would like many people to see the things I make but the shallowness of views and popularity makes me feel queezy. Like, if heaps of people see my stuff it will mean my stuff is good but if they don't then all that time was wasted.
The truth is I could have an awesome film and it not be regarded as so or have a horrible film and it be regareded as great. I hate my concern for views, votes etc
My "The Heart of Stone" animation is a shallow storyline to what it was originally. I've created a new storyline that will address the deeper things that were left out in "The Heart of Stone". It will be in two parts. I'm aiming to have both parts finished within the year but expecting both to take a year each. I'm going to change my style a bit and do full animation. Hopefully I'll have the patience for it otherwise I'll just have to up my game, get some more experience points and try again untill I succeed ;D
All my plans are only plans and I do not know when my time will be up. So God willing I'll do this along with songs throughout the year for my new 2012 album "This Narrow Road".
Stop being such a emo a just say "I run this place motherfuker!"